Gill Emett Thomas returns with the follow-up to My Warwickshire Wartime...a delightful illustrated account of working and courting in central London in the fifties.
A gripping fictional story of love and separation, inspired by personal, political and historical events, set within two months of major
upheaval in the Mediterranean paradise of Cyprus during the war-torn summer of 1974.
Christine Ozanne? I know your face...but, um, remind me, what have I seen you in?
For most jobbing actors, this is the most frequently asked question, and in this amusing antidote to celebrity...the perils and pleasures of being an ‘unknown’ are explored.
Dr David Linde's fresh start in his new house unleashes deadly spirits, phantoms lying within its walls for centuries gathering power. A glimpse of a shadowy Victorian woman leads to gruesome murders. As police investigate, forces of good and evil collide in a blood-curdling climax.
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